Cystoscopy, URSL, PCNL, RIRS, TURP, TURBT, VIU – Minimally invasive procedures for kidney stones, prostate enlargement, and urethral strictures.
Advanced keyhole surgeries, including Nephrectomy and Pyeloplasty, ensuring faster recovery and minimal discomfort.
Diagnosis and treatment of urological cancers, including kidney, bladder, and prostate cancer, using cutting-edge techniques.
Comprehensive evaluation and treatment for infertility and sexual health concerns, including medical and surgical interventions.
Specialized care for urinary incontinence, bladder disorders, and other female urological conditions.
Surgical correction of congenital and acquired urological abnormalities to restore normal function.
Expertise in kidney transplantation, providing pre-operative evaluation, surgical intervention, and post-transplant care.